Insanely Capable.

This is my interpretation of a Jordan Peterson quote, and I feel that is needed now, more so than ever. Many of us are struggling in this time of uncertainty and sudden imposed restriction of the pandemic. Importantly, it’s very normal that we are struggling. We are creatures of habit and routine, and when taken out of those habits and routines, we can feel lost, or even pressured to find some kind of meaning in it. 

My advice is simple; find what works for you. Don’t compare yourself to how anyone else is dealing with this situation. Feel like waking up and dancing? Turn that music up loud and dance. Feel like doing nothing? Do nothing with pride… and plenty of snacks.

Have to go to work? Make sure that your employer is doing everything within their power to keep you safe. Make full use of the interactions with your colleagues, and make sure that they are okay. Place whatever focus you can muster on the tasks at hand. 

Some of us may be dealing with this by being hyper productive. That’s great, just don’t burn yourself out. Take time to rest. And, importantly, don’t discourage others that may be dealing with this in a different way.

I have personally found a balance of all things mentioned here, because that works for me. (And no… I can’t dance very well…)

Whatever you are doing, just know that you are capable. Look to all of those past experiences of being capable, because I know that there are many. Write them down. Remember them. You are capable. You are not alone. We will get through this together.

Published by

Lee A. Vockins

Lee is a poet and author from the small town of Newbury in Berkshire, England. His preferred genre is cosmic horror, but he writes and reads across a wide range of material. He is strong mental health advocate, PTSD survivor and fundraiser for Mind – a charity close to his heart. In his younger years, he could often be found with a guitar in his hands or diving into a mosh pit, but nowadays he prefers to wield a pen or read. He has an avid interest in philosophy, psychology and technology. When not reading or writing, Lee enjoys long hikes across the countryside, stargazing, music and the simpler things in life.

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